TummyTime! Method FQA
My mom and grandma said tummy time isn't necessary because they didn't do it with their babies. Why are you saying tummy time is necessary now?
This is a great question. Prior to the mid 90's babies were spending over half of their lives in tummy time because babies slept on their tummies. Back to Sleep recommendations came out in 1992, and two things were notable about this time, 1. Pediatricians recommended back OR side sleeping 2. It took about 5 years or more for it to really catch on. I had my first baby in 1998 and Back to Sleep wasn't emphasized that much, I heard about it a little, but it wasn't like it is today. So, it is a relatively new phenomenon for babies to need intentional tummy time experiences.
Please explain this to your mom and grandmother. They may be surprised to hear that after 'Back to Sleep' really caught on, plagiocephaly or head flattening soared 400% and we had to adjust developmental milestone scales to adjust to a slower motor and postural development.
Please explain this to your mom and grandmother. They may be surprised to hear that after 'Back to Sleep' really caught on, plagiocephaly or head flattening soared 400% and we had to adjust developmental milestone scales to adjust to a slower motor and postural development.
How long does my baby need to spend in tummy time?
TTM doesn't focus on how long baby spends in tummy time, nor do we implement any tricks, manipulation, coercion or forcing for tummy time activities. We focus on nervous system regulation and specific ways to ensure baby is enjoying this important developmental experience.
How is TummyTime! Method different from regular 'tummy time'?
TummyTime! Method is a specific way to do tummy time that ensures baby loves tummy time. The generic term 'tummy time' refers to a developmental position where baby is laying on their tummy.
TTM is a set sequence of positions, movement, social engagement and support that includes not only the tummy time position, but other important aspects necessary for optimal neurodevelopment.
TTM is a set sequence of positions, movement, social engagement and support that includes not only the tummy time position, but other important aspects necessary for optimal neurodevelopment.
What does 'socially engaged tummy time' mean?
TTM is unique in many ways, and focusing on the social connection and engagement between baby and parent is one of the most important. Babies, and all people really, but babies in particular, rely on coregulation for safety and support. Your calm nervous system helps your baby's nervous achieve and maintain a state that is calm, focused and ready to play. You will be calm and connected because you have a standardized and proven way to do tummy time. Social engagement activities such as looking at each other, vocalizing, being a cheerleader for your baby, smiling and enjoying the experience is the ultimate goal. This is one of the many TTM secrets for ensuring babies love tummy time.
Does TTM really work?
Yes! It's been utilized for many years and thousands of babies have benefited from this fun program. TTM was designed with the most recent infant developmental research, as well as Michelle's advanced clinical skills about what babies really need to thrive.
Why do TummyTime! Method?
TTM is a way to connect and bond with your baby through a sequenced movement system that elicits optimal responses and helps your baby feel good and develop their best self, inside and out.
How would a baby with tongue, lip or buccal ties benefit from TTM?
TTM isn't just about tummy time, supported upright, supine, sidelying and transitional movements are all included in the sequence. Babies with ties have lots of oral and whole body compensatory movements and habits that require neuromuscular changes and new movements that reflect greater range of motion and improved function. TTM targets tongue, posture and whole body movement, coordination, nervous system regulation and more. Don't go to frenectomy without it!
I want to learn TTM for my baby, how do I find a Certified Professional ?
Click on the Professional Directory Tab for both US and International Listing. If you do not find someone in your area, text me 5134047786.
What ages benefit from TummyTime! Method?
All babies, newborn to precrawling, benefit from TTM. Babies typically crawl between 6-9 months, however developmental milestones are also individualized so it takes some babies longer to crawl. One of the great things about this program is that the same sequence is modified and the program grows and matures supporting baby's development and therapeutic gains all the way through crawling. It's fun to see babies advance through the program and fully embody their strength, muscle tone, righting responses and have a pleasant sensory experience moving their bodies.