
Jodie Wallis, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC
Abeille Speech + Feeding
St. Louis, MO
[email protected]
Jodie is a speech-language pathologist and certified lactation counselor who specializes
in pediatric feeding and speech. She focuses on functional feeding in relation to
breastfeeding dyads, optimal breast and bottle feeding, successful transition to solids,
and “picky” eating. She integrates orofacial myology and sensory-motor function into her
therapy so that airway, sleep, and nervous system function are addressed as well as
traditional speech and feeding. Her passion for a whole-person approach led her to
become a certified Tummy Time Method practitioner and trained in the Gillespie
Approach for cranio-sacral fascial therapy. Jodie’s goal is to support and empower
families through education and collaboration to help facilitate the developmental needs
of their child.
Abeille Speech + Feeding
St. Louis, MO
[email protected]
Jodie is a speech-language pathologist and certified lactation counselor who specializes
in pediatric feeding and speech. She focuses on functional feeding in relation to
breastfeeding dyads, optimal breast and bottle feeding, successful transition to solids,
and “picky” eating. She integrates orofacial myology and sensory-motor function into her
therapy so that airway, sleep, and nervous system function are addressed as well as
traditional speech and feeding. Her passion for a whole-person approach led her to
become a certified Tummy Time Method practitioner and trained in the Gillespie
Approach for cranio-sacral fascial therapy. Jodie’s goal is to support and empower
families through education and collaboration to help facilitate the developmental needs
of their child.