Parent Testimonials:

- "I wanted to update you on my son. He is doing wonderfully. His head is all nice and round. To my untrained eyes and hands it looks like the bump completely went away! I can't believe it. I am so happy for him. I feel relieved and proud. And grateful! I can't wait to go to the doctor's for his two-month check-up and show them that it went away--they told me it wouldn't." - S.P., mother of a one month old boy seen for one treatment. This baby was born by vacuum extraction.
- "We are amazed at how his head shape changed in just one week. My husband noticed a difference right away. Our son is sleeping better and has less gas. Thank you!" - M.H., mother of a ten week old boy seen for two treatments. This baby was engaged in mom's pelvis for three hours of pushing, with subsequent high forceps delivery.
- "Thank you for helping my baby relax. His stomach was so tight and he cried nonstop for days at a time. After CranioSacral therapy his tummy is soft and he only cries when he is hungry." - C.S., mother of six week old boy seen for 3 treatments. This baby was described as "colicky."
- "Our baby cried for the first three days when we did Tummy Time! We listened to your suggestions about laying down on the floor with him, gently patting him and rolling him. After three days, he cried less, now he enjoys Tummy Time!™ for ten minutes at a time. We are so happy and relieved." - T.S., mother of ten week old baby with neck tightness, flat spot on the back of his head and severe reflux. This baby was unable to spend thirty seconds on his tummy when we started. He was able to spend ten minutes after 3 sessions.
- "TummyTime!™ class was the best thing I've done for my baby. I didn't realize he had difficulty turning his head to the left! Now he has no problems at all with tummy time or turning his head." - L.L., mother of 3 month old who cried alot in tummy time
Professional Testimonials:
- "This training was excellent! I am eager to implement all of the things I learned!" - S.E., New York
- "I highly recommend all OTs and PTs to take any of Michelle's classes about torticollis and plagiocephaly. She gives a new way of looking at this old problem and has even more effective ways of treating it!" - M.L., Illinois
- "This is the best training I've taken since I got out of chiropractic school" - N.W., Oregon